Netbooks to go extinct by 2015??

Netbooks to go extinct by 2015??

According to iSuppli the netbook is going to go extinct by 2015,

For 2013, the Netbook shippings are ment to fall to 3.97 million units, down 72% from 14.13 million in 2012.  In 2010 the netbook hit its peak of 32.14 million units shipped.

The Tablet/ Ultra Book markets are taking over the Netbook range of products, The Tablet market has over taken the Netbook as its faster, slimmer and easier to use and cheaper than an Ultra Book, yet again the Ultra Book market has taken over the Netbook as it is a lot more powerful and slimmer.


Posted on April 13, 2013, in Tech and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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