Top 3 Apps Week (3)

Top 3 Apps Of The Week (2)

  1. Yahoo Weather: See: For My Review on it here:
  2. #Twitter Music also known as #Music: is a good website / IOS App, you get to seeht_twitter_music_1_dm_130418_wg Popular Artists songs, Emerging Artists, Suggested Artists and #NowPlaying, the app is free and you get to listen to the 30 seconds snippets from iTunes or full songs with Premium Spotify accounts world wide or Rdio in the US.
    Stars: 4
    Price: Free!
  3. ClearCam: is a paid app that takes 4 photos when you press the camera button in there application and only saves the one that it thinks is clearest.ClearCam_icon_large
    Pros: Works Really Well
    Cons: £0.69
    Stars: 5

Posted on April 23, 2013, in Tech and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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