Category Archives: Game

PS4 and Xbox One Start Pre Orders

The Sony PS4 and The Microsoft XBOX One have both started there Pre Orders

XBOX One: £599.99

Play Station 4:£599.99

Which one would you buy? Comment Below

Read the rest of this entry

Microsoft Xbox One Announced

Microsoft Xbox One Announced

Today (Tuesday 21st May 2013) Microsoft when on stage and announced the Xbox One!



8 Core Processor,

Blue-Ray Drive,


New Home Entertainment Features

When Will It Be Released? “Later This Year.”

Image From CNET

You Looking Forward To The XBOX One?  Comment Below What You Think! Read the rest of this entry

Raiding Question?

5934c1ec_Throne_of_Thunder_Normal_Dark_Animus_Nova_KillHave you ever sat in your home city and wondered, do I raid with my friends as a guild or do I wonder off and find a PuG (Pick up Group).

Well the most obvious answer to this question is raid with your guild… Why you say??

Because raiding with your guild is a hell of a lot more fun, you get to chill out with your friends while doing your favourite thing, being it PVP or PVE, the main reason you’d do ths is because you trust the people in you’re guild, they’re experienced like you and know what to do in certain situations, no one is going to ninja DC or bring up some half arsed excuse on how they have to rush out, you know that for those 2-3 hours of raiding or whatever your times are that you’re going to have fun.

Why not go with a PuG?

Well sometimes PuG’s can and do work out just the way you planned, “Sometimes”, Most of the time you’ll be looking for a raid somewhere and then you’ll see it in the chat, Looking for 1 Healer/Tank/Dps, you get invited to find out its just you and him and your luck isn’t going your way, you spend 2 hours looking for people to fill the last few spots (which by this time you could be almost finished with your guild), you get there start the first boss out of many and bash no one has any clue what to do, your peaceful night in has turned into a wipefest and suddenly you have to turn leader and teach these people how to play, By this time you’re shattered and wanting to give up and go watch tv, These are the main reasons why i’d chose to raid with my guild, If you have an opinion feel free to comment below.

AMD Eight Core FX-8350 Processor 4.00GHz

The AMD Eight Core FX-8350 Processor is a one of its kind, Made by AMD its a worthy competitor for Intel’s I7 Processor, It is also the first processor based on AMD’s “Piledriver” Design, Piledriver microarchitecture is the second generation of AMD Bulldozer microarchitecture. The internal core structure has been modified for higher frequencies even without any changes in the manufacturing process. Piledriver has a more precise branch predictor and a larger instruction window with ISA extensions FMA3 and F16C. The execution units acquired an enhanced scheduler and learned to process individual instructions faster, such as integer and floating-point division. And Piledriver microarchitecture delivers higher power efficiency compared with Bulldozer microarchitecture.

The AMD FX Processors come equipped with AMD Turbo CORE Technology, a performance boosting technology that helps increase performance on the applications that need it the most.

Having Eight (yes 8) cores makes this processor a master of the multitasking era allowing it to perform extraordinarily well in video editing areas and things that involve allot of processing, it can also win over many other processors in single tasking departments too, Many games wont allow to run of all Eight cores (unless you made it) but even though all eight aren’t in use it can still splash out those high FPS those gamers want to see, with the right graphics card, its a deadly combo for the perfect gamer to be lag free.

AMD has a pretty nice price for their processors, At around £150 over internet sellers like Amazon and ebay for how much it costs you certainly get what’s on the tin that makes it competition for Intel.

Gigabyte GM-M6880 Mouse Review

The Gigabyte GM-M6880 Mouse Review!

Gigabyte GM-M6880 Mouse is one of the best mice that I have ever used, really comfy to the hand, nice to hold, good speed setting for dpi on top of the mouse.

The Mouse is my main mouse when using Windows, I use the Apple Magic Mouse when i’m using OSX, I find that the Gigabyte mouse is really ergonomic, compared to the Magic Mouse,

The Gigabyte mouse is designed for gaming, The Clicking speed is instant, the scroll wheel works really well, the mouse also has to buttons on the side where your thumb would sit for going forwards and

31quhTRqz9Lbackwards for example on webpages.

Price: £9.45 on Amazon:

Pros: Works Really Well in games, easy to hold, quick, nice design, brilliant for price,

Cons: Not Wireless, quite easy to press the forwards and backwards buttons by accident,

Should You Buy? Yes Read the rest of this entry

XBOX 720 Keynote On 21st May

The XBOX 360 is going to be yesterdays news very soon. 

Microsoft came out today and said a new xbox console is coming soon, the keynote for the 720 is on May 21st, it’s just before the Gaming conference E3.

Quote: “On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.”

What do you think Microsoft will show us? More the Sony with there PS4 Announcement? Comment Below what you think!


And the winner of the progression race is???

So there we have it, method have won the race and were the first in the world to get Ra-Den 25HC down, congrats to them and unlucky paragon and blood legion who have still to decide 2nd and 3rd place.

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World of Warcraft: Throne of Thunder Progression

One of the best guilds in the world “Dream Paragon” have cleared 12/13 Heroic in the Throne of Thunder before anyone else, but the question is, between Method, Blood Legion and Dream Paragon who will be first to bring down Ra’den!, This is still a mysterious boss which has no Tactics to his name on the Dungeon journal, and you’re only limited to 50 attempts per week, this is sure to be a harsh battle to finish progression this tier.



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