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Include Mac System Files in OS X Searches with a Simple Adjustment

A Link To A  Post that is useful for all the OSX Users out there.

Include Mac System Files in Mac OS X Searches with a Simple Adjustment

Mac Pro On Sale Tomorrow! (19th December 2013)


Mac Mini 2012 (Review)

Mac Mini 2012 Review!

My Mac Mini 2012 Spec:mac mini 2012 04-580-90
  • 2.3GHz Intel Core i7
  • 4GB Ram

The Mac Mini 2012 isn’t for everyone, for instance if your a professional that stores lots of data and does high end video production it will not be for you.  The Mac Mini is for people who not really game, do some light video editing and general use.

I use the mac mini 2012 as my main machine at home along with with the Apple Wireless Keyboard And Magic Mouse. The machine is very powerful for the size of it, it’s using Intel’s HD 4000 onboard graphics. I think that the mac mini is a great PC, it works really well with photoshop, and the general game on low graphics!

Why The Mac Mini Is Good?

It’s the perfect size to use as a home theater, on a small desk, with you existing monitor, and the general user, easy to upgrade the RAM


Very hard to upgrade the HDD as you have got to strip the Computer down

Should You Buy?

Yes, only if your in the right audience for it, make sure you do your research before buying as it might not be for you.