Blog Archives

UK Government To Help Make Rural Area’s Broadband Better?

The UK Government has set aside £250 Million to help Broadband providers make there services better in rural areas.

Quote From BBC’s Post on there website “It has invested £1.2bn in rural broadband and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is hoping that the extra £250m will ensure 95% of the country’s homes and businesses have access to superfast broadband by 2017”

So how will the money be split?

England will get £184m, Scotland £21m, Wales £12, Northern Ireland £7m

How Will It Be Split Around England?

  • Devon, Somerset £22.7m
  • Shropshire £12.8m
  • Hereford and Gloucestershire £10.98m
  • South Yorkshire £10.4m
  • Essex £10.7m
  • Hampshire £8.7m
  • Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire – £6.6m
  • Kent and Medway £5.6m
  • East Riding, Yorkshire £5m
  • Black Country £4.9m Read the rest of this entry

Microsoft Cutting Windows Licensing Fees By 70 Percent?!

Microsoft reportable cutting Windows 8.1 licensing costs by 70% to PC makers

The Bloomberg News reports reports at by doing this it would make manufacturers be able to make devices for under $250/£150, which would make these devices compete with Google Chrome Books.

In my opinion i think it would give the Chromebook a run for its money as it’s not able to run anything but chrome apps/extensions its just a browser with 8.1 you can run EVERY program that is compatible with Windows. Read the rest of this entry

News Of The Day 20/2/14

Whats App Brought By Facebook for £11.4 Billion Read More Here

Kim Dotcom Mansion Raid Was Legal, NS Court Rules: Read Here

The First Bitcoin ATM In The US Is Opening In Austin, Texas, Read Here:

Apple In Talks With Tesla CEO Confirmed: Read More Here

Apple Rejecting Apps With “Flappy” Games From App Store: Read Here

Apple Been Sued Over A7 Processor

Apple is been sued by The University of Wisconsin for patent infringement.

The University is suing Apple over Patent infringement on the A7 Mobile Processor.

They are saying that the iPad Air, iPad Mini With Retina & iPhone 5s are benefiting from an information processing system developed by the university.

Apparently the lawsuit asks injunction stopping the sale of any product containing the A7 processor without a licensing payment.

Satya Nadella New Microsoft CEO

The Verge Have Done An Excellent Post On The Subject Check It Out Link Below!

Facebook Announced Paper

Some Rumours have shown that Facebook is very close to introducing a news reading app, and they finally confirmed these plans on Thursday.

They went 1 step further saying that it has plans to release Paper to the App Store in the U.S.A only (for now) starting on Monday, February 3.  There is currently no news on when or if an android or iPad app is coming. Read the rest of this entry

Microsoft To Name New CEO?

XBOX 720 Keynote On 21st May

The XBOX 360 is going to be yesterdays news very soon. 

Microsoft came out today and said a new xbox console is coming soon, the keynote for the 720 is on May 21st, it’s just before the Gaming conference E3.

Quote: “On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.”

What do you think Microsoft will show us? More the Sony with there PS4 Announcement? Comment Below what you think!