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Include Mac System Files in OS X Searches with a Simple Adjustment

A Link To A  Post that is useful for all the OSX Users out there.

Include Mac System Files in Mac OS X Searches with a Simple Adjustment

IOS 7 Released Tomorrow!

Apple is to publicly release it’s latest mobile operating system of IOS 7!

On September 18th 2013 Apple is to release it’s latest operating system for its mobile devices of IOS 7 Expect a First Impressions on September 18th!

Windows Blue Will “Respond To User Feedback!”

Windows Blue Will “Respond To User Feedback”

Microsoft will be releasing it’s next version of its OS to consumers later this year, named currently “Windows Blue” to respond to user feedback from Windows 8.

Windows Blue is “an opportunity for us to respond to the customer feedback that we’ve been closely listening to”, says Microsoft’s Chief Marketing and Financial Officer Tami Reller, confirming the update will arrive before the end of 2013.

To win back customer Windows Blue (8.1) is reportedly bringing back some familiar features such as the Start Button, and a more traditional desktop.

What Do You Think Microsoft should do to Win Back Users?Did You Leave Windows for another OS because of Windows 8?
Let Me Now in the Comments Below,
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Windows 8 Still Behind Vista in Usage Report

Windows 8 Still Behind Vista in Usage Report

Net Applications released  an OS usage report for April 2013, Window’s is taking 91.78% of all computer usage worldwide.

In That Windows Usage, Windows 7 is still on top with 44.2%, Windows XP is next with 38.31%, Vista with 4.75% and Windows 8 windows_april_2013-730x494

is last with 3.84%.

I think that Windows 8 is not growing as people will be more willing to fix there old machine so that they don’t have to have the new Windows 8, The General public don’t like the massive change with Windows 8.

What Do You Think?

Let Me Know In The Comment Below!

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