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Cooling solutions when overclocking your PC!

If your looking to overclock your desktop anytime soon I wouldn’t rush straight into the deep end, there is a big danger that follows for those who dare overclock their PC and that is the amount of heat your processor will chuck out and the shortened life of your internal components, depending how much you overclock that is.newtengine500

Most processors these days come with their own standard CPU fan, you all know the one I mean, that loud chunky thing which does the job great if your a standard home user of the desktop, while there is a massive array of different cooling fans out there the well known and popular system is to go with what surrounds us all and of which we are made of 70% of it, yep water!

You will all be surprised to note that moving on from a standard CPU cooling fan to a watercooled system has such great benefits, the noise water cooling makes is non existent compared to stock fans, while even the temperature drop can vary up to a 15-20f difference, keeping the processor cool, which in turn keeps it running at full speed.h80i_hero_fan

Now as for overclocking limits this also has many factors to take into consideration, such as the age of the processor, how fast it is currently and how much are you willing to make it struggle, for example my processor is currently a 4GHz 8core processor, built for multitasking and speed, it has turbo boost up to 4.2 for that extra kick during rough moments, but if your looking at going faster, then my 4GHz can quickly turn into 5GHz.

Your desktop case can also make an impact on how cool your components can get, for example, my case is a Coolermaster Glite 430, this case has up to 8 different fan slots, one at the front to draw air in, a side fan to either release warm air or induct cool air, 2 roof fans to extract hot air and a rear fan to extract hot air, so even with just 4 fans (without watercooling) my computers highest recorded temperature during a stress test was 69 degrees, also the fact i have yet to overclock mine means i have plenty of space too actually overclock, while still having a suitable benchmark temperature with watercooling.

If there are any questions about overclocking or cooling options please do comment or get in contact with us and we will answer!.

Luke Welch

Apple Been Sued Over A7 Processor

Apple is been sued by The University of Wisconsin for patent infringement.

The University is suing Apple over Patent infringement on the A7 Mobile Processor.

They are saying that the iPad Air, iPad Mini With Retina & iPhone 5s are benefiting from an information processing system developed by the university.

Apparently the lawsuit asks injunction stopping the sale of any product containing the A7 processor without a licensing payment.