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Corsair Voyager Slider 64GB USB 3.0 Memory Stick

The Corsair Voyager Slider Memory Stick is a wonderful memory stick

The Memory Stick is fast, built well and definitely a good buy

Buy Here:

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Review: Buffalo Ministation 500GB/1TB External HardDrive

The Buffalo Ministation External Hard Drive range is a reliable and trust worthy brand to use. 71BY3LRkYVL._SL1500_

I’ve had mine for about 2 month’s now and it’s still going strong even though its been everywhere with me in my rucksack.

The USB 2 Edition of the Mini Station 500GB and 1TB are reasonably priced at £44 for the 500GB and £57 for the 1TB.

The USB 3 Edition are for the 500GB: £53 and the 1TB is £66.

Personally I would save my money and by  the USB 2 version as most machines you come across still have USB 2 ports, only computers that have come out in the last 6 to 8 months have had a usb 3 port built on the them. but if you do have a usb 3 port on your computer defiantly buy the USB 3 version if speed is important to you.

Pros: Reasonably Priced,

Cons: None

Stars: 4


USB 2:



USB 3:

