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Top 3 Apps Week (3)

Top 3 Apps Of The Week (2)

  1. Yahoo Weather: See: For My Review on it here: Read the rest of this entry

Is Yahoo To Make A Return To Our Lifes?

Yahoo IOS Weather App Review:yahoo_weather_app_new

Yahoo is maybe about to return into our life’s with their new IOS weather app.

In my opinion this is one of the best looking apps I’ve ever seen in any app store on any device.

To get around the app its all swipe based, to get between places you swipe left to right, you swipe down to get more information such as what the weathers going to be like at a certain time, what the weathers going to be for the next 5 days,  and what time the sun raised today and what time it will set.

Stars: 5

Pro’s: It’s Brilliant, works well, perfectly designed, pictures taken by real people, all photos are from Yahoo’s product Flicker,

Cons: Nothing it’s Brilliant!